
Shin, Hyopil, Munhyong Kim, Yu-Mi Jo, Hayeon Jang, and Andrew Cattle. 2013. KOSAC(Korean Sentiment Analysis Corpus): 한국어 감정 및 의견 분석 코퍼스, Information and Compuation, pages 181-190.

Cattle, Andrew, Munhyong Kim, and Hyopil Shin. 2013. Morpheme-based Annotation Tool for Korean Text. In Proceedings of the American Association for Corpus Linguistics.

Shin, Hyopil, Munhyong Kim, Yu-Mi Jo, Hayeon Jang, and Andrew Cattle. 2012. Annotation Scheme for Constructing Sentiment Corpus in Korean. In proceedings of the 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Compuation, pages 181-190.